The new seminars for UMH students on the LIFE SUBSED project – November and December 2020

The Miguel Hernandez University organized a series of seminars in November and December 2020, aimed at students of the Degree courses in Agri-food and Agri-environmental Engineering and students of the Master’s Degree in Advanced Techniques for Research and Production in Fruit Growing.

During the meetings the objectives and expected results of the LIFE SUBSED project were illustrated. The students were also able to investigate the more technical aspects of the trials in progress in the Italian and Spanish experimental sites, evaluating the potential of marine sediment as an ingredient for sustainable nursery substrates.

UMH students visiting LIFE SUBSED trial sites – 16 October 2020

On 16 October 2020, students from the Miguel Hernández University of Orihuela participated in a visit to the trial sites of the LIFE SUBSED project managed by Caliplant.

The objectives and expected results of the LIFE SUBSED project have been illustrated to the students and, together with the Caliplant technicians, they evaluated the ongoing activities at the experimental site.

The LIFE Program and the European actions to support innovation in the field of environmental sustainability were also illustrated to the students.