Miguel Agulló Velasco, President of COITAGRA, visiting the LIFE SUBSED demonstration site – 18 December 2020

On Friday 18 December 2020 Miguel Agulló Velasco, President of COITAGRA (Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Técnicos Agrícolas y Graduados de Alicante) visited the demonstration site of the LIFE SUBSED project at the Miguel Hernandez University.

The UMH team illustrated the objectives and expected results of the project and accompanied the President on a visit to the experimental site of the SUBSED project. During the visit, the qualities of the plants in cultivation and the potential of the substrate based on marine sediment were assessed.

During the visit, the opportunities of the LIFE program for the development of new eco-sustainable technologies were also discussed, solutions that represent an incentive to the transition of companies towards more conscious circular economy models.

LIFE SUBSED at the “III incontro annuale del Centro di Ricerca Orticoltura e Florovivaismo” – 17 December 2020

During the “III incontro annuale del Centro di Ricerca Orticoltura e Florovivaismo” (III annual meeting of the Horticulture and Nursery Research Center), which was held online on 17 December 2020, Dr. Stefania Nin of CREA-OF presented the LIFE SUBSED project to fellow researchers (the slides presented are available here).

About 50 researchers from CREA participated in the event.

During the meeting the objectives and expected results of the SUBSED project were presented, together with the actions currently underway and the next steps towards the validation of the proposed technological solutions.

Spanish Minister Antonio Luengo visits the Caliplant trial site – 16 December 2020

On Wednesday 16 December 2020 Caliplant welcomed the Minister of Water, Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and the Environment of the Region of Murcia, Antonio Luengo, the mayor of San Javier, José Miguel Luengo, the Councilor for Agriculture Sergio Martinez and the General Director of Waters Sebastian Delgado.

The technician Juan Luis Jimenez Martinez presented the objectives and the expected results of the LIFE SUBSED project to the politicians, underlining the importance that these initiatives have for the development of a more sustainable future in the agricultural sector.

During the visit, various political and legislative aspects were discussed, aspects which sometimes constitute real barriers to the development of a real and effective circular economy.

24 months online coordination meeting – 15 September 2020

In light of the restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the fifth periodic meeting of the LIFE SUBSED project was held online.

Although the contacts between the beneficiaries are almost daily, the coordination meetings represent an opportunity to present to the beneficiaries the progress of the individual actions and the results obtained. During the meeting the next steps and expected results have been also illustrated.

The beneficiaries, in light of the difficulties related to the current health emergency, have evaluated the possibility of requesting an extension of the duration of the project to EASME.


Below are the slides presented during the meeting.
